Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Week 8! Testing, testing, and more testing.

Recently, Raymond high school has been all about standardized tests, tests, tests...

Two weeks ago, the SEAD scholars (and the rest of the Juniors) took the NECAP (New England Common Assessment Program) in science. Raymond High School is transitioning between two types of standardized tests, the NECAP and the Smart Balanced Assessment. Though the rest of the district has already transitioned away from NECAP this year, the juniors had to endure one last year of the test in only the science subject, even as the entire district pioneers the new Smarter Balanced Assessment. The SEAD students endured this doubling up of standardized testing valiantly, with minimal grumbling. 

Last week, Jade and Cam again went to the testing room for their AP US History tests. These two have been studying for this test by taking the APUSH class at RHS this entire year. APUSH is a challenging and strict class at RHS, and both students have been doing well in the course. They both felt confident after the exams as a result of their preparations. Congratulations Jade and Cam on getting your first AP tests under your belt! Though it may seem like a challenge now, these tests will offer you an edge in college admissions and perhaps even credits in college. They may turn out to be money-savers. I'm very proud of you both for opening the door for these opportunities. 

Later last week, the SAT test results from the administration in early May came out. Jade and Cam had both taken that test, and I am proud to say that their results were both more than satisfactory to themselves and to me! Cam actually ended up doing even better than his goal score. He was not quite sure as the reasons behind his success, since he recalls being tired and nervous the night before. However, his studying earlier in the year must have paid off. Cam is now working on improving his score even further for the test in the fall. I am very proud of him for his score as well as his continued effort. Jade achieved a similarly high score. Though she did not reach her goal score, she was able to spot some very specific areas of improvements for over the summer. She, too, will prepare to test again in the fall. I am so proud of her for her high motivation and standards for herself. 

Last but not least, this week, the students will also all be taking the Smarter Balance Assessment for the first time in RHS history. I am curious as to what they will think about this new standardized test compared to the older versions. Good luck everyone! 

I'm really proud of all your hard work SEAD scholars. I also cannot believe that out time together will be coming to an end in one short week. I hope to continue to capitalize on every moment of this time. 



Here is Jade studying during her study hall.